Wednesday, December 22, 2010

ASP.Net Event Sequence

I have often seen developers struggle with coding due to the simple fact that they don't realize what event follows what, here is quick list of event sequence. some of the events are very rarely used and might not be so important, something like load event sequences is important and is often confused see below.

Load event Sequence
1. Content page Load event.
2. Master page Load event.   
3. Master page controls Load event.
4. Content page controls Load event.

The following is the sequence in which every events occur when a master page is merged with a content page:
  1. Content page PreInit event.
  2. Master page controls Init event.
  3. Content controls Init event.
  4. Master page Init event.
  5. Content page Init event.
  6. Content page Load event.
  7. Master page Load event.
  8. Master page controls Load event.
  9. Content page controls Load event.
  10. Content page PreRender event.
  11. Master page PreRender event.
  12. Master page controls PreRender event.
  13. Content page controls PreRender event.
  14. Master page controls Unload event.
  15. Content page controls Unload event.
  16. Master page Unload event.
  17. Content page Unload event.

kick it on

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Novice with mobile apps

When i started with VB6 someone told me there is nothing better than application (desktop) development, web is just a fragment of what you can do with application development, then with a shift in technology i moved to web development I did some really good work but most of it was web applications and not websites. now with almost 7 years of web development experience, i feel like a novice when i comes to mobile apps and top that off  they differ based on platform OS, there is that pioneering technology call iPhone apps and then we have Android apps and of course there are those windows mobile apps, blackberry apps, and Nokia symbian apps....

my interests lie in Android and to some extent iPhone apps..... looking forward to exploring and understand the technology and frameworks....   i will update the blogs with tit-bits i learn over a period of time.