Friday, May 30, 2008

Client Handling - Keeping it simple

I am sure one time or the other as developer or team lead or project manager you come across finite number of issue that seem to complex to be implemented. its easy to get carried away with issues like client does not get what i am trying to say, or i don't get what the client is trying to say and client is not willing to meet you half way. well get over it

I have had a great carrier graph but a tough one with a steep learning curve, i stared of as an ASP.Net developer in a small company worked there for little more than a year and then got an offer to work as Team Lead in Graycell Technologies Exports, and have been with the company till date. moving through the ranks i have moved up to delivery head.

Handling client is like handling children, sometimes they will be unreasonable and you cannot just get your point across and sometimes you are able to sway there opinion with a bit of logic and conviction. And then there are the really smart one (well they think so at least ). I have in no way mastered client handling, but do have an opinion on it. We mess it up with the client when we try to out smart the client or force the issue on to the client (and then there are those who try to out smart us). It normally works the best if both sides are honest and straight forwards towards the objectives of the project. The prime objective should be long term relationship and not a one off thing.

Over a period what i have noted with the client i dealt with is that the clients noramlly are not that target oriented as we would like them to be, they would provide you the specs (if any) and at hope that all the will work out as per their expectations. That is where i think a agile approach to the project helps here the client is proactively involved in the project and the project is broken into small sets of deliver ables and client is demoed the project and he is able to analyze the development and provide feedback on the exactly what is right and what is wrong. But PMs needs to careful and not give away too much leaway and end up in a mess. each set of deliverable should clarly defined and scope should be clear if thats not the case the client can take you for a ride.

These are my intial thoughts about client handling, i would like to see your comments as they would help me improve.


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